Suppliers want to know when they’ll get paid. You want to know when they’ll stop asking.

Medius Supplier Conversations—our AI assistant for suppliers—answers vendor questions right in their inbox. So they get peace of mind, and you don’t get interrupted.

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Conversational chatbot answers suppliers' questions, so you don't have to.

Nurture lasting supplier relationships.

Give vendors peace of mind with autonomous invoice and payment status updates—right to their inboxes. So they can be confident that payments will be made on time.

Supplier Conversations email
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Give suppliers immediate answers.

Ensure a quick resolution of any concerns with immediate, accurate answers—enhancing trust, satisfaction, and the relationship with your business.

Say goodbye to email monitoring.

Supplier Conversations responds to supplier invoice inquiries around the clock. So they get answers, and you get a break.

See how Medius Supplier Conversations answers suppliers' questions right in their inbox.

Watch this video to learn more.


What could you do with 6 hours back every week?

We wanted to know more about the challenges facing finance professionals, so we partnered with CensusWide to survey 1,533 finance executives across the globe.

Here’s what they found about time spent on supplier inquiries:

87% of finance professionals are responsible for replying to vendor emails.

Finance professionals spend an average of 6 hours a week responding to vendor inquiries.

On average, they handle 28 supplier emails each day.

Supplier Conversations FAQs

Supplier Conversations is built on the latest large-language model (LLM) technology by OpenAI and is trained specifically on Medius’ solution. Suppliers can use their natural language to ask questions about invoices, invoice status, and expected payment. For example, “What is the status of these two invoices, (Invoice #1) and (Invoice#2).”  Please note that Supplier Conversations does not perform any actions in Medius on behalf of the supplier or the AP team, it is only there to help and assist in the process.

Medius is committed to protecting customer data. We never use customer data to train OpenAI or any third-party AI model. Instead, we use customer data as a temporary context we submit to LLMs as prompts to return an answer. The LLM doesn’t store the data nor learn from customer data. Instead, in the special pipeline created for a customer’s instance of an AI agent, it processes and returns an answer in a stateless manner. You can learn more about Medius’ trust and compliance policies here. 

No, Supplier Conversations ensures the security of your data. We protect against unauthorized access by verifying every supplier email address against our database before providing any information. This rigorous authorization process ensures that only authorized individuals can access relevant invoice details.

Yes, AP teams have the option to review and approve each response. Even with this option, Supplier Conversations saves time by handling the initial email and collecting the necessary information.

If a company chooses to have Supplier Conversations automatically answer routine emails, it can still flag and alert the AP team about suspicious emails or those requiring special handling. Additionally, the system can blind copy (Bcc) the AP team on every email it sends.

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