Imagine the possibilities when you can focus on more than invoices.

Manage invoices with less stress and more strategy through autonomous AP.

Why Autonomous AP?

Why Medius for Accounts Payable?

Get more than basic automation.

Today's AP requires more from you, your staff and the software you use. Medius solutions use the latest AI and machine learning technology — going beyond basic automation capabilities, reducing more manual tasks and giving you more time back.

Welcome peace of mind into AP.

Stressing over invoice processes and late payments should not be the status quo. Medius links invoice capture, processing, and payment to simplify AP management — replacing worry and uncertainty with confidence and peace of mind.

Feel the impact faster.

Close the books on time, every time. Get up and running with ERP integration — often in less than 90 days and without roadblocks. Bring visibility into invoices, spending and cash flow — to make everyone happy, from your CFO to your IT team.

IDC whitepaper cover - Accounts payable moving from automated to autonomous

IDC states, “AP Managers are transitioning to a more strategic advisory role — making a recommendation on cash flow, identifying spend patterns, and helping set overall financial position.”

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The road to automation: lessons from an AP manager.

Going from manual processes to fully automated, touchless AP is often a journey filled with questions, learnings, and hurdles. As an AP manager, you know the benefits waiting around the corner and are ready to address the issues head-on by investing in automation.

Find out what your peers learned in their digital transformation efforts and how you can reap the same rewards they did from autonomous AP.

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See Medius AP Automation in action.

Take an AP Automation tour.

Accounts Payable Automation product tour

See how Medius AP automation effortlessly manages every aspect of the invoice management process and posts it back to your ERP for payment – without human intervention.

See Medius capture.

Medius Capture

Automate invoice scanning and capture, and get time and money back.

female working at computer

Want a touchless AP process?

Discover the essence of touchless processes — from invoice receipt to ERP posting, without any manual intervention. Enhance your AP automation with five effective strategies, reducing paper chasing and freeing up time for productive work.

5 Tactics for You

Get ready for AP automation with six simple steps.

The cost and effort to automate accounts payable are minimal compared to most digital transformation projects, and the benefits are nearly immediate for the entire organization. The decision to automate AP should be a no-brainer, but where do you start?

Follow the six steps in our Buyer’s Guide to AP Automation Solutions to build a solid business case that illustrates how you can help your business save time and money, reduce fraud and risk, increase visibility to data and cash flow, and more.

Get the Guide Now

What do AP managers like most about Medius? Going home by 5:00 p.m.

Efficiency and speed to get more done.

Medius is a game-changer, saving countless hours and dollars for thousands of AP managers. You'll experience instant benefits and ROI with remote setup and user-friendly interfaces.

Insights and analytics for critical decision-making.

Out-of-the-box dashboards, reports, and instant analytics give you and your C-suite the data you need to support critical business decisions and daily operations.

Satisfaction from employees, suppliers and more.

With cleared invoice backlogs, faster supplier payments, and seamless ERP integration, your AP team will be heroes for everyone involved – from your CFO and procurement to suppliers and IT. And when the solution is this easy to use, your employees will actually want to adopt the automated invoice process.

This is what “Customer Service as a Service” looks like.

How do customers measure their SaaS accounts payable vendors? And why would you care? Well, if you’re shopping the category, you should know that Medius outperforms the others.

Medius was awarded the IDC 2023 SaaS CSAT Award for Accounts Payables, citing customer service scores higher than the industry average in 18 of 23 indicators.

Get the report

“We like to see how many invoices are actually touchless and see how much more time we have now.”

Mayra Perez
AP Manager, Chadwell Supply

Read Chadwell's Story

Resources for AP managers.

Find tips, tricks and more resources to help you stay updated on the latest AP automation.

Discover Medius AP Automation.

Medius AP Automation screen

All you need to know about Medius AP Automation solutions.

Hear more successful stories.

man smiling and working on a laptop

See how other AP managers like you have leveraged Medius to benefit their business.

Register for upcoming webinars.


Hear from industry experts and peers. Register for an upcoming or on-demand webinar.

Discover the latest in e-invoicing mandates.

e-invoice screen

Stay updated on e-invoicing mandates and how you can stay prepared.

Ready to transform your AP? 

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