Follow six steps to build a solid business case for AP automation
Get A Buyer’s Guide to AP Automation Solutions for details
Business leaders increasingly recognize AP automation as an attainable objective in digital transformation. The entry barrier is remarkably low in cost and effort required, especially compared to other business applications. Despite its straightforward implementation, AP automation delivers significant value that extends across an organization, yielding immediate benefits from day one.
This guide will walk you through the six most important steps when investing in an AP invoice automation solution. Download your copy to get a detailed walk-through of each of the six steps, including hands-on action points to get you started on the right track immediately.
Download now to get the six steps and action items to:
- Define your scope
- Map your current AP process to identify your needs
- Identify system dependencies
- Capture IT requirements
- Research, audit, and compare solutions
- Build your business case

"We were extremely impressed with the implementation team's extensive knowledge of the AP and PO solution features, functionality, and best practices. They understood the unique requirements of GoStudent and were able to tailor the implementation to our specific needs."
Stefanie Rohrich, Finance Manager, GoStudent