Explore the Accounts Payable Benchmarks
Ready to have your invoices and payments flow through the AP process without any human interaction needed? We've got you covered. Medius customer benchmarks are your one-stop-shop to compare your process KPIs with your peers. See exactly where you’re doing great and where you could stand to improve with even more automation.

Discover the Accounts Payable Benchmark report
Now that you’ve seen the highlights of the AP key performance indicators that will become the measuring stick of your continuous improvement efforts, it’s time to dive deeper and see what the leaders are doing to reach the best in class benchmark levels and transform the way they handle invoices. Get real-life examples of how your peers have tackled the challenges in the invoice through payment process and come out on the other side: faster, more efficient, and more cost savvy than before.

“The work doesn’t end with go-live. That’s the starting point for process improvements … Medius provides us with the KPIs and tools we need to identify issues, solve them and drive more automation across the entire process.”
Łukasz Gauza
AP Team Leader, Duni