Medius AP Automation is a blockbuster hit for Cineplex

Cineplex is Canada's largest and most innovative film exhibitor. With numerous office locations and a manual AP system, invoice processing was time consuming and inefficient. Cineplex found the solution with Medius AP Automation. Read about their successful transition from manual to fully automated.

Cineplex case study cover

AP Automation success story

Background on Cineplex and their set-up

  • Website: Cineplex
  • Industry: Entertainment
  • ERP: PeopleSoft
  • Location: Canada
  • Solution: Accounts Payable Automation

Benefits of Medius AP Automation

  • Able to achieve immediate ROI
  • Consolidated their coding and approval process
  • Increased number of invoices processed without adding staff

Who is Cineplex?

Known for being a cinema media and motion picture distribution company, Cineplex provides entertainment through a circuit of nearly 170 movie theatres and entertainment venues and employs over 10,000 people.

What was the challenge?

Invoices were routed throughout numerous offices for approval and data-entry was time consuming. Cineplex needed to save time and reduce costs associated with this manual process.

How did we help?

Medius facilitates the approval process and eliminates the need for printing and physically routing invoices. This has resulted in tangible savings in the cost of paper, couriers, and storage facilities.

“Feedback from staff is 100% positive. With mobile capabilities, Medius is always with them wherever they go so they can manage their work anytime, anywhere.”

Sean McKenna
Finance Vice President

Positioned for Success

  • Improved management of cash flow
  • More on-time payments have created better vendor relationships
  • Staff is free to perform more value added and personally fulfilling tasks

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