
Our content library includes resources for learning about AP automation, examples of how our solutions solve AP challenges, success stories from customers using our platform, industry guides, finance thought leadership content, and more! 

Case Studies

Medius AP Automation helps TOGA reduce cost of processing 250k invoices per year

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Guides & Reports

ProcureCon Report 2021

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Events and Webinars

Empowering strategic AP with automation: digitize & streamline the entire invoice through payment process

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Events and Webinars

5 KPIs to Take Your AP Operations to Truly Touchless

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Guides & Reports

Levvel procurement insight report 2021

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Events and Webinars

Demystifying eAuctions: How to fine tune your auctions for colossal saving

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Events and Webinars

Demystifying eAuctions: Building a killer strategy

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Guides & Reports

Reflections of an AP Manager in an Evolving Accounts Payable Environment

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Events and Webinars

5 benchmarking exercises to boost your touchless invoice %

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Guides & Reports

Ardent Partners procurement metrics that matter in 2021

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Guides & Reports

Financial Benchmark 2021

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Guides & Reports

The State of ePayables in 2021: Operating in the New Normal

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