What does best-in-class look like with autonomous AP processing?

Every successful AP team tracks its performance. You can too, using this industry benchmark data to compare your metrics to your peers and see where you stand.

Here’s a metric for you: Being twice as good as everyone else.

Our best-in-class customers welcome two times as many touchless invoices as the industry standard.

Touchless Invoice Processing chart

What’s pending? What’s paid? What could possibly go wrong?

AP automation captures invoice data in a centralized, digital system—automatically matching it with supporting documentation and approving it for payment without any user intervention. So no one has to chase invoices all over the office, and you always know what’s up.


Use AI assistants to free up time.

Medius Supplier Conversations can accurately interact with suppliers in real-time to provide instant support and address issues and queries. Built on proprietary artificial intelligence, it provides AP teams with always-on support and removes the monotonous, repetitive work of your AP team.

“We like to see how many invoices are actually touchless and see how much more time we have now.”

Gisle Weberg
Accounting Manager, Møbelringen

Read Møbelringen's Story

Who wants to spend less time on invoices? Thought so.

Even our average customers see a 3x improvement in cycle time.

You can improve your KPIs, and we can prove it.

Check out the customer data in our AP Benchmark Report, and find out how you can reduce cycle times, increase touchless capture, improve automatic routing, and shorten approvals with simple, proven tips.

  • Use AI to turn AP automation from good to unbelievable.
  • Automate data-capture, get suppliers to send e-invoices, and increase accuracy across the board.
  • Offer buyers easy ways to review and approve deviating invoice items – on their phone or over email.

Read the report

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“Before Medius AP automation, we didn't have the metrics or sightline we needed to benchmark our processes and make improvements. With (their) guidance, we not only set up the KPIs we needed to track, (we) maintain regular meetings to pinpoint areas for improvement. We've been really pleased with the process and with the improvements we've been able to make.”

Alden Senteney
Project Manager, Briggs Industrial

Read Brigg's Story

How come no one misses it when you miss an invoice?

AP is under a microscope, and questions like “How did we miss that invoice?” or “Why can’t we pay our suppliers faster?” are daunting without the right metrics. So what are the right metrics? See what’s best in class with this Ardent Partners’ webinar.

Read the report


How much smarter could your AP be?

When you spend all your time processing invoices, it’s hard to get a holistic view of what you’re spending. Automation helps, but it usually doesn't go far enough to make an impact on strategic finance initiatives. Autonomous AP solutions, on the other hand, use intelligent technology to handle invoices so that 99.3% of invoices can be processed without human intervention.

Take 45 minutes to listen to this webinar and learn how autonomous invoicing can improve all of AP while easing your workload.


Financial Census reveals key challenges facing finance professionals.

Fraud, deepfakes, whistleblowing, burnout and other challenges plague finance executives.
See how you compare in the Financial Census findings and discover what your peers are doing about:

See how you stack up.

Improve your accounts payable processes without adding to your to-do’s – using Medius subject matter experts to help you with training, configuration, and more. With monthly reports and KPI trends you can see how your performance improves with each optimization that you make.

Learn more

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