Whistleblowing: 80% of financial professionals stay silent on suspected internal fraud fearing retaliation.

Medius awareness campaign aims to reclaim derogatory labels used against whistleblowers.

Whistleblowing: 80% of financial professionals stay silent on suspected internal fraud fearing retaliation

Medius awareness campaign aims to reclaim derogatory labels used against whistleblowers

Half see or suspect internal fraud in the workplace;
4 in 5 stay silent.

New data from Medius shows more than half (56%) of financial professionals in the US and UK have spotted or suspected internal fraud in their workplaces, yet four in five (81%) stayed silent. When asked why, 45% of professionals cited the fear of recrimination.

Concerns of repercussions are vindicated.

Survey reveals the extent to which financial professionals in the US and UK have witnessed
negative consequences for whistleblowers firsthand:

Courage redefined.

This is why Medius is working with courageous whistleblowers, Sherron Watkins, Sarah Carver and Jennifer Griffith, as they reclaim derogatory terms and boost confidence of reporting on suspicious activity.

“Snitch”, “Rat” and “Traitor”

are just a few of the derogatory names given to these whistleblowers after reporting serious internal financial fraud.

Learn more about them and read what they had to say by clicking on their photos.

More evidence. More support.

More evidence. More support.

What do people think of whistleblowers?

These are women who put everything on the line for the greater good and were then vilified for it.
See how these women are reclaiming these commonly used words in a positive way.


“White collar crime is on the rise and no organization is safe. Employees are the last line of defense against fraud but confidence to report suspicious activity is declining. AI anomaly-detection technology can provide employees with the evidence and assurances they need to be more forthcoming. Building a culture where employees feel comfortable to report their suspicions could save organizations millions in the long-run.”

Jim Lucier
CEO at Medius

Learn more